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ASB Government and Leadership

ASB Government and Leadership 

The ASB (Associated Student Body) executive board at Evergreen Middle School exists to help ensure all student at Evergreen have the opportunity to take part in activities outside of academics that are culturally, athletically, and recreationally enriching and student-centered.
ASB meetings are held every other Tuesday during FLEX in Room 129B and are run by the ASB Board. Meetings are open to all students to view, but only ASB Board members are allowed to vote on agenda items.

Student Government and Leadership – ASB Executive Board

Grade: 8 (Students run for office in 7th grade and are elected to the ASB Board for their 8th grade year).
Coordinator: Trish Miller
When: First and third Tuesdays, 11:58-12:38 pm during FLEX
Where: Room 129B
Description: The Associated Student Body (ASB) is the governing body of Evergreen Middle School. Its purpose is to propose, discuss and vote on legislation for the good of the student body and school. A president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, and public relations officer, and 6 at large officers are elected in the spring for the following school year. These 12 students form the ASB Board.
How to join: Run for office in the spring of your 7th grade year. An announcement will be made, and informational FLEX sessions usually happen in February for elections in March. The requirements to run for student body office are as follows: 3.2 cumulative grade point average, petition, teacher approval and parent approval.

ASB OFFICERS 2024-2025   
ASB President: Owen Eason
President at Large: Sawyer Chapman
ASB Vice President: Ilkay Aya
VP at Large: Julia Zhu
ASB Secretary: Benjamin Wu
Secretary at Large: Kaya Khare
ASB Treasurer: Shayan Hagigi
Treasurer at Large: Sarah Baloch
ASB Historian: Rik Ezhilarasan
Historian at Large: Aadhav Ramesh
PR Officer: Vibha Ganeshan
PR Officer at Large: Aishwarya Sreenivas
These students are actively involved in planning and executing the assemblies, dances, charity drives, fundraisers, and lunch activities at Evergreen. They, along with the students in the leadership class, also help support school culture activities to help make sure Evergreen is a fun, safe, exciting place for students to learn. 

Student Council

Grades: 6-8
Coordinator: Trish Miller
When: Once a month, during FLEX
Where: 129B
Description: The student council is made up of Eagle Time (homeroom) representatives who serve as liaisons between the ASB Executive Board and the student body at large. Student Council meetings are held during FLEX, once a month, and are run by the executive board. In meetings, students will have the opportunity to discuss school-wide issues and initiatives, vote on important matters, and communicate information back to their homeroom class.
How to join: Representatives and alternates are elected in their Eagle Time class each semester. Students must be members of ASB and maintain a 2.0 GPA to represent their Eagle Time class in as the Student Council Representative.