Emergency Response Plan
The following are items parents and students should be aware of regarding emergencies:
- Students regularly practice safety and evacuation drills.
- Evergreen maintains an emergency container which is stocked with enough food, water and supplies for 3-5 days for students and staff.
- Inform your student of the names of people who are on their emergency release form. Likewise, be sure the emergency contacts know they have your permission to pick up your student(s) in case of an emergency.
- If an emergency occurs:
- Remain calm. Do not call the school. The school will contact you through Parent Square.
- Please be patient as we implement our emergency response plan and account for each student.
- Once at the school, follow the signs to the parent check-in. Assigned staff will retrieve and release your student(s) to you or the emergency contact.
- You must have ID to sign your student out.
- Please help us to ensure that we have current up to date contact information by using Parent Access and checking Skyward.